PreInfo: SCOM2Nagios 1.3

The new version is released here:

The next release will address two feature requests:

  1. Possibility to change the hostname (you don’t use fqdn host names in nagios…)
  2. Possibility to use more than one service in nagios (you want to separate the alerts for dns and acitve directory)

I will try to solve both by using “processing instructions”. This instructions will use the scom alert as an input filter and the nagios alert as the object to manipulate.

This instructions are defined in a xml file:

<?xml version=’1.0′ encoding=’ISO-8859-1′?>

scom: path (of monitoringobject), fullname (of monitoringobject), severity, state, name (of alert), description
nagios: text, host, service, state

contains, containsIgnoreCase, equals, equalIgnoreCase



<input field=”path” compare=”contains”>DNS</input>
<output field=”service”>DNS</output>

<input field=”state” compare=”equals”>255</input>
<output field=”text”>Everything is OK :-)</output>


What do you think about this feature?

The main code is ready. It even compiles without problems… Next step is testing – but currently I have no operations manager test system with a connected nagios…

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22 Responses to PreInfo: SCOM2Nagios 1.3

  1. Pingback: Blog Opsmgr / SCOM 2007, and Windows 2008 , Seven french : Connecteur SCOM pour NAGIOS

  2. Sean says:

    Hi Markus,

    Can you send me the SCOM2Nagios 1.3 version so I can test?


  3. DAvide Villani says:

    Good morning Markus,

    I’m very interested in SCOM2Nagios 1.3 as soon as it will include the possibility to use more than one service in nagios.

    Can you send me the SCOM2Nagios 1.3 version so eventually I can help you test out the new features?

    Please, let me know and enjoy the rest of the day.


  4. Pingback: Markus Bäker » SCOM2Nagios 1.3

  5. Sean says:

    Hi Markus,

    Can you provide an example for the instruction.xml to just display the hostname and not FQDN. For instance server1.test.local to be just server1.

    Also I have 1 SCOM host that is sent as “Microsoft.Windows.Computer:server1.test.local” to Nagios. How can that be filtered to just server1.


  6. Artur Pinheiro says:


    this seems the rigth solution for me, but I have some issues.

    I need to change the host name send by SCOM to the one used by Nagios.

    I try create a processing.xml, using the instructions but it seems that it’s not working. (Does version 1.3 processes the instructions? it’s not clear if it’s version 1.3 or the next version)

    In the tracelog.txt the path is empty “04-02-2010 17:30:08: Alert Received: Path: , Name: …”. In the SCOM console the path exists.



  7. Martin says:

    I’n trying to make it work on windows 2008 r2 64 bits and the service just won’t start. Anyone got this configuration working?

    • markus says:

      Hi Martin,
      please be a little bit patience. Yesterday I ordered my new testing environment. I hope that it is up in a week and that I can install a full SCOM server for answering all upcoming questions around this tool

  8. Miquel Àngel says:

    Hello, i tested the last version in 2007 R2 winth 2008 64 bits and it’s working fine, i just need to know how work processing.XML to use the hostname only.exist a way to force the hostname to lowcase?

    Thanks Markus for your wonderful job

    • markus says:

      Hi. It is possible with the new version. Just look at the post. The processing instruction example is exact your searched feature. (using only the hostname (=netbios name) and change it to lower case (change upper to lower).

      I hope it helps


  9. Reinhard Weh says:

    Hello Markus,
    we now starting with distributed monitoring and need di differ SCOM hosts in dmz and lan or other company site.
    please tell me how we can use the 1.3 and the feature

    1. Possibility to change the hostname (you don’t use fqdn host names in nagios…)
    2. Possibility to use more than one service in nagios (you want to separate the alerts for dns and acitve directory)

    I will try to solve both by using “processing instructions”. This instructions will use the scom alert as an input filter and the nagios alert as the object to manipulate.


    our fqdn are


    best regards for your help an tip

  10. markus says:

    @Reinhard Weh
    Hi, I am not sure what you want to do. If you want to change the host name to a shorter netbios hostname you can do it with the new version.


  11. Reinhard Weh says:

    Hello Markus

    we have two nagios server



    the scom server checks all hosts. your KIT should send scom messages from *.dmz.local to nagios.dmz.local and should send scom messages from *.lan.local to nagios.lan.local

    hwo should ic configuge processing.xml and Nagios-SCOMConnector.exe.config

    many thanks for help and this tool

    • markus says:

      The easiest and fasted way would be to add both nagios server to the config. Every message will be send to both server. But nagios only accepts messages for hosts that it knows. All other messages are thrown away.

  12. Reinhard Weh says:

    hello markus

    we monitor the nagios.log file of the message

    Warning: Passive check result was received for service p_scom on host newserver.dmz.local , but the host could not be found!

    to don’t dismiss an new server monitored by scom.

    is there now way that all p_scom server from *.dns.local will be sent to nagios.dmz.local
    and alle p_scom server from *.lan.local will be sent to nagios.lan.local
    with your first post (see top)


    Everything is OK

    kind regards

  13. Reinhard Weh says:

    Hello marcus
    how we have to change the configuration Nagios-SCOMConnector.exe.config to send everything to both servers.
    we haven’t found it in the documentation.

    this don’t work





    any tipps for us
    best regards

  14. Reinhard Weh says:

    Reinhard Weh :
    Hello marcus
    how we have to change the configuration Nagios-SCOMConnector.exe.config to send everything to both servers.
    we haven’t found it in the documentation.
    this don’t work
    “”any tipps for us
    best regards

  15. Ian says:

    Hi Marcus,
    Firstly, great work! Very useful utility.
    I’m stuggling getting the processing side working, and cant find the instructions in the 1.4 or 1.5 documentation. I assume they are in 1.3 when the feature was introduced, however, it won’t allow downloads of 1.3 without being registered.
    Could you kindly clarify how to set up and where to place the processing.xml please.

    • Ian says:

      Hi Marcus,
      Dont worry I worked it out from the source code…
      Changing the processDefenition setting in the Nagios-SCOMConnector.exe.config to processing.xml and placing the processing.xml file in the same directory has worked.
      Thanks anyway!

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