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Ich bin stellvertretender Abteilungsleiter im Bereich IT bei einem Pharmaunternehmen in Karlsruhe.Zertifizierungen:
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UE-V SCOM2Nagios SP1 Windows ConfigMgr SC Software Updates security Debug WinPE Snapshot RHEL Neuinstallation Unix Operations Manager Plugins VMWare SCSM scvmm scom msi Enteo Forefront Linux SCX connector pxe ssl HP scripts Powershell firefox DNS Treiber App-V adds ESX HAL sc update Hyper-V Hardware Core Batchdatei bug nagios
Hi Markus
I have seen your scom2nagios comments on the technet blog.
So I have a question for you. Is it possible to do the opposite ?
I want to send the alerts from nagios to my scom console.
Thank you in advance
Jeroen Monnens
the other way around is more difficult because you have an object model in OpsMgr and not a flat model like in Icinga/Nagios. As I stated in an other comment it may be possible with the universal connector framework ( but i haven’t tried it. On the other hand it may be a licensing problem because to my understanding every device in SCOM that is higher than layer 2 has to be licensed.
If you find any other solution I am happy to hear about it.
I want to use scom2nagios with multi services.
I want to add scom path and services in processing.xml for the most services we use.
I look for a compilled version with multi services. (1.5)
with the current scom2nagios version you can define two target nagios server. If you want to install the service more than once, you have to compile it from the source code with change service name and a new connector guid.
Best regards
I just published some code to automatically create host and service in Nagios for the data that scom2nagios generates.
Am I the only one that is not interested in manually adding hundreds of hosts in Nagios?
Good work! Thanks for sharing it