Often I receive questions about how to install the connector. Here is a short step by step installation instruction:
- Download the latest release (http://www.mbaeker.de/downloads/SCOM2Nagios_1.5.zip)
- Extract the archive
- Copy the “Release” folder to c:\
- rename it to scom2nagios
- Copy the “processing.xml” from documentation to c:\scom2nagios
- Start an administrative command shell
- change to c:\scom2nagios (cd /d c:\scom2nagios)
- start the Service Installer with "%systemroot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\InstallUtil.exe" Nagios-SCOMConnector.exe (see the 1. screenshoot)
- Register the connector to SCOM with Nagios-SCOMConnector.exe InstallConnector
- Edit Nagios-SCOMConnector.exe.config and change the ncsaPath (2. screenshoot)
- Edit the service “KIT Nagios Connector” to Restart on Failure (3. Screenshoot)
- Select the connector in the OpsMgr Console (Administration –> Product Connectos –> Internal Connector, 4. Screenshoot)
- Right click the conenctor and select Properties (Screenshot 5)
- Add a suitable subscription to the connector to send alerts to it.
Thanks, I use SCOM2NAGIOS for some time now and it is a very usefull solution. However the usage of nsca protocol gives some limitations because it only allows for one text field while the original SCOM alert contains a lot of different fields. It could be of great help if it should be possible to combine some SCOM alert variables and some free format text in the output text field. Maybe this is already possible but I couldn’t find clear instructions about changing procedures.xml.
Any guidance would be appreciated
Hi Markus,
Does the SCOM2Nagios work with SCOM 2012 too?
Hi Mike,
yes, this instruction was tested against OpsMgr 2012.
Best Regards
I was very happy to find your website and program. This is a great piece of work and I am pleased to see that you provide this to the public. I am getting an error attempting to install the connector. It stops the service and crashes and it gives me an error about the service. Ever see this? it is referencing a 1.4 version of the source code. Very interesting!
Fatal Error: An object of type MonitoringConnector with Id 038f2550-b6f3-11dd-bbcc-4ef555d89593 was not found.
at Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.ConnectorFramework.ConnectorFrameworkAdministration.GetMonitoringConnector(Guid id)
at NagiosService.NagiosService.heartBeat(Object data) in C:\SCOM2Nagios_1.4\Sourcecode\NagiosService.cs:line 78
at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)
at System.Threading._TimerCallback.PerformTimerCallback(Object state)
Hi Sonny,
Have you installed the connector in SCOM like descriped in the readme?
Best regards
Hallo Markus,
ich habe ein Problem mit den Alerts.
Bei selbsterstellten Rules oder Monitoren isr der String wie folgt:
Message: Microsoft.Windows.Computer:%computername%.%meineDomain%. Bei allen anderen Alerts schauts gut aus. Hast Du eine Idee?
das Problem verstehe ich noch nicht ganz. Geht es um Alarme des Connectors an Nagios oder generell um eigene Alarme in einem Management Pack?
Hello Markus,
Thank you for the reply. I should have provided more data, I am following your english instructions step by step. I am generating an error when attempting to run the Nagios-SCOMConnector.exe installconnector command. I get prompted with a windows prompt saying:
“Cannot start service from the command line or a debugger. A windows service must be installed using installutil.exe and started with service explorer, windows services administration tool or net start”
I did install with the .net 2.0 installer without error.
I confirmed this is on my RMS with the SDK service running, i am running this as my SDK service account and have sufficient permissions. I attempted this on a monitoring server and did get the SDK error that it was not listening, I suspect this error is during the connector installation, but have no other insight beyond the error.
Have you experienced errors running the Nagios-SCOMConnector.exe installconnector command? Should I potentiall install the Nagios-SCOMConnector.exe with .net 3.0? I do have that installed on this machine.
Thank you! I am going to try to remedy the issue or further some logging on the SCOM side. I will report back with any success.
the command line is case sensitive. So you have to run Nagios-SCOMConnector.exe InstallConnector (Upper I and Upper C).
I hope it helps
That helped tremendously. Thank you! It was case sensitivity, everything is installed on the SCOM side, tomorrow we will start testing the nagios side. Thanks a bunch and great work!
Hallo Markus,
vielen Dank für Deine Antwort.
ich hab mich etwas unglücklich ausgedrückt. Das Alerting von Monitoren und Rules von SCOM 2012 zu Nagios funktioniert einwandfrei. Wir haben mehrere Managemen Packs mit einem selbsterstelltem Regelwerk in denen auch Monitore und Rules für Alerting genutzt werden. Ich habe das Problem das bei diesen selbsterstellten MPs in der Übergabe an Nagios folgender String mit übergeben wird:
Message: Microsoft.Windows.Computer:%computername%.%meineDomain%
Meine Frage, besteht die Möglichkeit den String “Microsoft.Windows.Computer” irgendwie weg zubekommen?
Beste Grüße
Great connector. I just have one issue. When installed and leaving all the default options, everything comes across as a service check with the service name p_scom. We removed p_scom from the variable in the config file and now everything is just coming across as a host check. Is there no way to have the checks come across with the service name being what type of check it was? I want to be able to alert different people from Nagios depending on the alert.
Markus, it seems to be running fine, but not doing anything I put in the processing.xml file. I’m trying to set the service to equal something depending on the host or name but the service either comes across blank or as p_scom, depending on if I have something in the configuration field. Any idea?
I figured out my previous question(put processing.xml in the configuration file).
The last issue I am having, I can not seem to figure out. I am wanting to check the alert text from scom and if it contains specific words to rename the service name being passed to nagios something other than the default. for example, any with alerts that dontain the work “disk” I want to set the nagios service name to “disk”. i can’t figure out which scom field I am supposed to be checking.
Hallo Markus,
im tracelog.txt habe ich gesehen, das der Pfad aus dem Alert nicht übergeben wird, bzw. die Vartiable nicht gefüllt ist. Ich vermute mal das hier der Fehler zu suchen ist. Besteht die Möglichkeit dies über einen Workaround zu beheben? Es betrifft allerdings nicht nur selbsterstellte Managemen Packs, dies Path Variable scheint auch in Hersteller MPs nicht immer gefüllt zu sein.
Viele Grüß
Hi Markus,
I’m using it great now. Process.xml is getting large with all the instructions and it is working great. Is there a way to have it not say “All is OK!” when returning a return code of 0? I’d like the alarm to just say the same as when return code is 1 or 2, so that I can change the service in Nagios using processing.xml like I do when there is an issue.
Hi Markus,
Can we use this connector for Nagios to SCOM?
If not please give a solution for how to get alerts from Nagios to SCOM.
In my environment I have Installed SCOM 2012 and Nagios server. I want to get alerts from Nagios to SCOM.
Please give me a solution since my project is going to customer very soon. Please help…
Thanks in advance.
ich habe 2 kurze Fragen:
1. Wie lässt sich der Connector deinstallieren?
2. Der Service lässt sich nicht starten, Grund ist eventuell, dass ich die Dateien in “C:\Program Files (x86)\SCOM_Connector” installiert habe, (Leerzeichen?), unabhängig davon, wie ich den Pfad in der “Nagios-SCOMConnector.exe.config” eintrage, wird der Service nicht gestartet: “Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion”
Einmalig kam diese Meldung im Eventlog:
“c:\Program Files (x86)\SCOM_Connector\Nagios-SCOMConnector.exe
Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.OperationsManager, Version=6.0.4900.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35
System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL ‘MOMBIDldr.dll’: The specified module could not be found. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8007007E)
at Bid.internalInitialize()”
Wie nun vorgehen?
Vorab vielen Dank und schöne Grüße
Wolfgang Winter
Ok.. Connector entfernen ist kein Problem, erst den Dienst entfernen, dann den connector mit Remove-SCSMConnectorentfernen.. Ich werde mal weiter probieren..
Hallo Markus!
Ich komme schon bei der Installation nicht klar.
Ich habe Step 1-7 durchgeführt, was auch nicht ganz so schwer ist
Beim Aufruf in der CMD / PowerShell (ausgeführt als Admin) bekomme ich folgenden Fehler:
Exception occurred while initializing the installation:
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly ‘file:///C:\scom2nagios\Nagios-SCOMConnector.exe’ or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified..
Muss ich da noch die .exe in den Ordner schieben oder soll das über die .xml File gemanagt werden?
Sorry hat sich schon erledigt!
Man sollte doch genauer lesen!
Hello guys,
I need to know if this connector can send the alarms from NAGIOS to SCOM or is only from SCOM to NAGIOS. Can anyone help me?
Congrats for this work
Many thanks in advance
Hi Markus,
Is it possible to specify multiple Nagios Hosts in order to send specific type of alert to different Nagios Hosts. I have multiple SCOM computer groups and depending on the Group Name I want to forward alerts to one of my Nagios Hosts.
Thank you in advance !
sorry for answering so late. I haven’t got any notice that there was a comment pending.
To answer your question: You can define two nagios server. All alerts will always be send to both systems. Nagios will only create an alert if the source is known. So you can separate the groups by using source names, which aren’t known to the other nagios server.
Hi Markus,
I’ve an issue regarding multiple alert sent by SCOM,
I’ll try to be more clearer so, when an host configured on SCOM returns more the one critical alert in the service status information i see only the last critical that Nagios connector sent to nagios (nsca process listening on port 5667)
So, the question is: how i can tell to nagios to show me all the critical alerts related to a host service under the field ” status information” ?
The issue is mainly the overlapping of the critical messages ( related to a single service) generated by SCOM sent through the Nagios connector to Nagios.
Usually i can see the alert message generated by SCOM under the status information of the service (related to a host) configured on Nagios.
Thank you in advance,
Hi Marcus, foremost, thank you for this program.
The installation was successful, however, I have no return nagios. According to the logs the information is being sent but I have a line that says a processing problem “Processor: No processing definition set”.
How do I edit the file “processing.xml”?
Thank you for your reply.
Hello ,
Is this plugin can send availability data of some specific servers from scom to nagios ?
Thanks & Best Regards
no, the connector just forwards alerts to nagios.
Best regards
Hi Marcus, foremost, thank you so much for this awesome app.
The installation was successful, however, Nagios cannot received anything from SCOM, Alike with Thomas, logs register “Processor: No processing definition set”.
Could you help me with this issue?
Thank you for your reply.
have you copied the processing.xml file to the target directory?
Best regards
Yes, Markus I’ve copied the processing.xml file to target directory.
I am trying this step but it giving me error:
“%systemroot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\InstallUtil.exe” Nagios-SCOMConnector.exe
What can i do i have install .Net3 frame work and copy the file as said to C and rename the folder to SCOM2Nagios
I have installed everything as mentioned above but still did see any alert in nagios. Can Anybody can help me ,please
Sorry its mistake above I did not see any thing even after installing everything as mentioned above.
I am facing issue while execute this “%systemroot%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\InstallUtil.exe” Nagios-SCOMConnector.exe ” command in powershell.It’s Shwing Me Unexpected Token ‘Nagios-SCOMConnetore.exe’ In Expression Or Statement.